Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

Not all Indigos are the same, in fact there is one type of Indigo that has literally two avatar souls in one body.

One soul is an advanced soul with a 24 strand DNA Template and the other soul has experienced a regressive genetic manipulation and has only 11 strands of DNA.

Why does this type of Indigo have two souls?

The Original Divine Blueprint for the human DNA Template is a 12 strand DNA Template, which allows access to 12 dimensions consciousness and the full embodiment of the Avatar Identity.

By combining these two souls in one body the 24 strand DNA avatar can help the 11 DNA strand avatar evolve back to a 12 strand DNA template by clearing the DNA distortions and repairing their Codes of Ascension.

This is not an easy mission to undertake

The purpose of these Indigos is to mend the extreme polarities between these two types of souls. And even though the soul with the 24 strand DNA Template is overseeing the 11 strand DNA Template soul, things don’t always go smoothly.

This type of Indigo can often be challenged with the following issues:

1) Emotional bonding issues

2) Bi-polarism (angel and devil in one body)

3) Autism

Do you know someone like this?

Do you know someone who at times seems like the most loving and giving person, then other times it’s like they shape-shift into this extremely angry and sometimes cold personality?

Of all Indigo types, this is the most prevalent on Earth and it is highly probable that you know someone who is this type of Indigo. They usually are highly intelligent, mathematically inclined and athletic.

When you understand the origins, purpose and mission of these type of Indigos it’s much easier to support them in their valiant journey.

On March 2018 I hosted two a webinars completely focused on Indigos. In the first webinar I discussed the minute details of each type of Indigo, including the other less common type of Indigos. And on the second webinar we went deeper by activating the DNA Template of each Indigo so that they could fulfill their Soul’s Purpose.

​​​So if you feel you are an Indigo, if you think you know an Indigo or if you work with Indigos then these webinars are a must for you.

You can still join me and hundreds of other Indigos from around the world by getting access to the Indigo Soul Origins, Mission and Type Webinar recordings.

The webinars will include a series of energy healing activations with the intent to help Indigos clear DNA blockages that are preventing them from embodying their Higher Self.

Knowing what type of Indigo you are is vital to the fulfillment of your Soul’s Purpose. Once you know the different types of Indigos you can intuitively know which type are you. Better yet, I’ll teach you how to let your Higher Self tell you if you are an Indigo and what type of Indigo are you 🙂

Much love,

Gustavo Castañer

P.S.: I know Indigos became really popular in the early 2000’s but the truth is that their mission is more important now than ever. If you think you know all there is to know about Indigos and the origins of humanity you’ll be very surprised when you listen to this webinar.