
The mission of the In-Light-Ment Blog is to study and explore the myriad of ways that one as a human being can accrete more light into one's field of consciousness.

For the past 15 years I've written hundreds of newsletters on self-growth, energy healing, ascension, relationships, emotional mastery, the Higher Self and much more. I've received great feedback from my email subscribers over the years and it occurred to me that many of these newsletters could become great blog posts.

Through the In-Light-Ment Blog it's my intent to share my journey of embodying my Higher Self and consciously designing the life of my dreams. I hope that my journey can help you in some way re-member who you truly are and what you are truly capable of.

Gustavo's Professional Career

Gustavo has been a leading authority in the field of DNA Activation, ascension and distant healing for over 15 years.  He is a international speaker, seminar leader and relationship strategist. Gustavo is a leading expert in a variety of fields including twin flame and soulmate manifestation, energy medicine, Indigo children, emotional mastery and distant healing.

Gustavo has done over 10,000 one on one sessions and he is known to draw thousands of people from around the world to his online workshops. His most sought out workshops include Clearing Auric Attachments, Clearing Your Karmic Slate, Integrating Your Shadow Self and Becoming a High Functioning Empath.

No matter how large the audience is, Gustavo has the ability to connect to each person’s Higher Self and perform energy clearings and DNA Activations for everyone. In addition Gustavo has taught over 100,000 people how to connect to their Higher Self, read energy signatures and receive answers from their Higher Self.

His mission is to assist people clear themselves of the energetic blockages that prevent them from embodying their Higher Self, manifesting higher frequency relationships and live a life imbued with joy, peace, abundance and a sense of fulfillment. Gustavo’s vision is to see humanity’s ascension become a reality.

Gustavo Castaner is the founder of and creator of the Harmonic Resonance Codes.

Follow Gustavo on Facebook and YouTube.