The latest buzz in self development is the idea that you can change or upgrade your identity. This is largely due to a book called Atomic Habits by James Clear, which by the way I think is a phenomenal book.

That being said the real question is…can you truly change or upgrade your identity? The answer is yes, but there is so much more to it than changing, upgrading or creating new habits.

Identity Based Habits?

In his book James Clear states that the key to building lasting habits is to focus on creating a new identity first. He goes on to say that your current behaviors are simply a reflection of your current identity. What you do now is a mirror image of the type of person you believe that you are (either consciously or subconsciously).

And if you want to change your behavior for good, you need to start believing new things about yourself. You need to build identity-based habits.

I think this is a wonderful approach to creating new habits and lasting change, but there is one big flaw with this approach.

What happens to your old identities and their habits? Based on his approach one can imply that your new identity based habits and the identities themselves will supersede the old ones.

This sounds great in theory, however I have been facilitating energy healing sessions for over 13 years helping people transmute past identities. And when you get to energetically sense these identities on a person’s auric field and you know how they originated in the first place, creating new identities to replace new ones is not a permanent solution.

This might work to create new identities like:

+ I’m a meditator

+ I’m a fit person

+ I’m disciplined

+ I’m punctual

And let’s face it, these identities sound great. Yes, you might end up with greater habits and behavior, possibly improve the quality of your thoughts but what happens to the unresolved emotions that are often attached to these personalities or identities of your past?

But when it comes to CORE NEGATIVE IDENTITIES like:

  • “I’m unworthy.”
  • “I’m unlovable.”
  • “I’m not good enough.”
  • “I’m afraid to love.”
  • “I’m an awful person.”
  • “I am never safe.”

These core identities are very rooted in a person’s subconscious mind. Such core identities often come with multiple layers of emotional, mental and sometimes even physical identification.

How Many Of Your Identities Are Created?

If you have taken any of my advanced energy healing certifications you know that most identities or personalities are created during extremely stressful, painful or traumatic events.

To give you a clear picture of how this process takes places I will give you a step by step breakdown of how most of your troubling past identities were created:

  • 1

    Time Stops

    Whenever you experience a deeply stressful, painful or traumatic event your consciousness changes, in fact you will enter into an alter state of consciousness. Most people however do this unconsciously. When this happens it appears as if time has stopped and whatever is unfolding in front of you or in the space of your mind is usually accompanied by a myriad of negative through-forms and emotions.

  • 2

    Soul Fragmentation Occurs

    Whenever you are in an altered state of consciousness you can easily create quantum potentials. This is great if you are entering this altered state of consciousness while being fully conscious of what is happening and what your intent is. However, when we experience trauma we often go unconscious and in that moment whatever thoughts and emotions are circulating our awareness, have the potential to create a soul fragment. Soul fragments have a polarized energy and they are charged with unresolved emotions.

  • 3

    The Birth of A New Identity

    So when you are in the midst of that painful or stressful event, whatever thoughts or emotions you are having have the potential to become a new identity. For example, let's say a happily married woman comes home only to find out that her husband is cheating on her. In that moment she goes into an altered state of consciousness, she's experiencing a heartbreak and betrayal. Time stops because she cannot think about anything else, she is fully immersed in that experience. In that moment she could have the thought "He betrayed me." or "He broke my heart." Later on the pain might continue to put her in these altered states of consciousness and she might have another thought like "Men can't be trusted." or "I'll never open my heart again." Because she has identified with those thoughts, during an altered state of consciousness in no time, she has create a new identity or personality.

  • 4


    These soul fragments and their set of identities are now part of the soul memory. And the more energetically charged they are, based on how strong our emotions were, the stronger their magnetic charge is going to be. This creates a low frequency that attracts us to people, places, times, things and events that RESONATE with this energy. These soul fragments will then be projected onto our PRESENT holographic reality and we will re-act with the same set of emotions and thought-forms. Each time energizing these soul fragments even more.

Now, because you created these soul fragments in no-time they will stay encoded in your soul’s memory until you absolve them or transmute them. This must be done from an altered state of consciousness but with a clear and conscious intent, in other words you have to know exactly what you are doing.

What Happens When You Create New Identity But Fail To Absolve Past Ones?

In simple words this is a recipe for two things:

  1. Inner conflict and polarized personalities
  2. Self-sabotage

Basically you are going to be a ticking time bomb, because when you suppress your old identities and their corresponding negative emotions and thought-forms, eventually they will come out. It’s just a matter of time.

And the longer you suppress them the more violent is going to be the outburst.

This is what you see happening all the time to successful people or people who seem to have it all. In an instant or in a short sequence of events they manage to fall of the wagon and utterly destroy their fame, success, relationships, health, etc.

How To Truly Change and Upgrade Your Identity?

The key to TRULY changing your identity and their accompanying set of habits, behaviors, thoughts and emotions is to transmute and permanently absolve the soul fragments and traumatic events that spawned them in the first place.

When you do this you will create a void within your auric field. The thing about voids is that the universe loves to fill them up. In this particular scenario you’ll have the opportunity to receive a download of new cords, new templates and new soul programming from your Higher Self.

This means that you’ll gain the wisdom that usually comes from such experiences and will now have the pristine space within your soul and consciousness to download and embody a new identity.

These new identities can be any desirable identity of your choosing, but ultimately the clearer you become of these polarized soul fragments the more you will be able to access and embody your Higher Self.

Your Higher Self already possesses the most brilliant and positive mind sets, emotions and beliefs.

Learn How To Transmute Your Old Identities

Since February of 2021 I have been teaching a group of light-workers and indigos how to:

  1. Connect to their Higher Selves
  2. Read energy signatures
  3. Transmute soul fragments, karmic imprints and other energetic blockages

Literally within two weeks every student has successfully learned how to follow the Harmonic Resonance Healing Protocol for themselves and other people.

In February we learned how to transmute auric attachments and this month we learned how to transmute karmic imprints (including family karma).

On April 8th we will begin the Shadow Self Integration Certification where participants will learn how to transmute the soul fragments, karmic imprints and energy blockages that spawn the Shadow Self.

The Shadow Self is composed of dozens of different archetypes, personas and personality complexes. When you goal is to upgrade your identity and embody more of what you know is your TRUE POTENTIAL then integrating your Shadow Self is an essential step towards this goal.

The archetypes that make up your Shadow Self end up creating identities that are filled with:

  • Fear
  • Self-doubt
  • Procrastination
  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Low self confidence
  • Low self esteem
  • Feeling unworthy of love
  • Lack and limitation

As we progressively uninstall these outdated identities you’ll be able to easily access and integrate new higher frequency identities that are resonate with higher giving love, trust, power, confidence, commitment, soul purpose, healing, abundance and fulfillment.

This means new habits, ways of thinking, emotions and even attracting a whole new set of people, places, times, things and events.

Ultimately you’ll be embodying the identities of your Higher Self! And your Higher Self has every single possible identity you can imagine. From absolute worth to a fully self realized you.

To know more about this life changing certification where you will experience a RE-BIRTH please click here.

Looking forward to helping you unleash your most brilliant self!


P.S.: if you wish to get access to the Auric Attachments Transmutation and Karma Removal Certifications this will be the last month that you can sign up for the Self Realized Healer Certification (which is really 9 certifications in ONE).