Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

The other day I saw a video on social media that said the following:

Did you know that the only bird in the world that dares to attack the eagle is the crow? 

It mounts the eagles back and pecks at its neck.

However, the eagle doesn’t respond, fight, wast time or expend ANY energy on it. Instead, the eagle opens its wings and starts to soars as HIGH as possible.

The higher the eagle flies, the harder it becomes for the crow to breathe. Eventually, the crow falls due to the lack of oxygen. 

In light of this here is some advice: let’s stop wasting time with crows, let’s continue our flight to the heights and the crows will fall by themselves.

Learning From the Eagle Approach

Like the eagle, we often encounter crows in our lives in the form of:

1- Negative people and their projections

2- Energy vampires

3- Psychic attacks

4- Toxic relationships

But not everyone acts like an eagle because they get TRIGGERED by the crows. The eagle doesn’t fight, complain or waste time with the crow.

Instead it goes where the crow can’t go, to incredible heights.

How To Become An Eagle

If you get triggered by another person then this means that you have an energy blockage within you that RESONATES with that person and/or the drama that is unfolding.

These blockages could be in the form of an auric attachment, a karmic imprint, a soul fragment, a cord of attachment or an unresolved emotion.

Getting triggered by crows and STAYING triggered is what prevents you from becoming like an eagle and flying to new heights where the crow falls off your reality.

If you think about it in terms of frequency, the key is to constantly RAISE your frequency so that you ASCEND to a level where you don’t RESONATE with crows.

And even if a crow appears in your reality, which in this matrix they will most likely do from time to time, you can:

1- Remain un-triggered and soar to new frequency heights

2- Use the trigger as an ENTRY POINT to transmute, unwind and heal in order to ascend in consciousness.

Frequency Upgrade

Just like taking a shower or brushing your teeth, raising your frequency must be something you do everyday.

There are countless ways you can raise your frequency on a daily basis:

1- Meditation

2- Gratitude

3- Visualization

4- Permanent energy healing

5- DNA Activation

Some of these practices are very much like exercising. In the beginning when you start working out your muscles might get sore and you will have to take time to rest and recover.

However, eventually you build such an endurance that you can work out almost everyday. Of course, as long as you keep pushing the limits you’ll continue to get sore and rest, but your recovery time will be much faster.

Turn Crows Into A Blessing

I invite you to stop wasting your precious energy with crows. Stop complaining or giving them your spiritual, emotional and mental energy. This will only continue to drain you.

Instead realize that the crows are your teachers. Every time you get triggered by a crow, that crow is showing you what YOU NEED to work on.

If you have the proper tools to work on yourself, upgrade your frequency and heal permanently then every trigger will become a step on the ladder of your awakening.

Eventually you’ll be grateful for the crows that appear in your life.

And let’s be honest, we were all at least once a crow at one point in time. Time to give crows a taste of higher compassion. Rather than pity them or fighting them, let’s ascend in consciousness.

This will be an invitation to them: “If you want to connect with me and hang out where I am, then raise your consciousness so that we can fly together.”


Gustavo Castañer

Founder of In-Light-Ment.com and Ascended Relationships.com


P.S.: know someone who could benefit from this message? The please share it with them 🙂