“With everything that is going on in the world, how can I stay safe?”
“How can I make sure that I ascend when the shift to the New Earth happens?”
The simple answer is frequency resonance.
Let’s Go Deeper With The Answer
It looks like the world is headed towards (possibly already started) World War III. As I mentioned in my previous newsletter, this is all by design and with the intent to keep humanity stuck in a low frequency fence of fear. This is a futile attempt to prevent the inevitable ascension of Earth and humanity.
However, the powers that “be” will desperately try anything and everything to maintain their power and control over Earth’s material and energetic resources.
The possibility of another World War is causing a lot of people to embrace fear and uncertainty. So how do you stay safe and grounded in times like these?
At the most fundamental level, safety is a state of consciousness. Yes, your environment can greatly influence how safe you feel but there are numerous stories of people who have attained a state of peace and enlightenment even when there were in the midst of chaos, abuse and war.
In order to embody a state of safety and magnetize people, places, times, things and events where you are safe, it’s imperative that you unwind and transmute the energetic blockages and unresolved emotions within you that resonate with fear, uncertainty, abuse, terror and chaos.
This healing process will inevitably change your frequency so that it resonates with and attracts safe and peaceful experiences. It will also re-program your subconscious and super-conscious minds so that you are guided to elevated and harmonious life events.
Facts About Ascension
There is a lot of misinformation about ascension on the internet, I used to believe in a lot of non-sense at one point 😉 However, as I embodied my Higher Self and experienced the God within things began to look more simple and brilliant.
For example, many people believe that at some point that a consciousness field decided to separate from Source. This is literally impossible to do 🙂 Yes, you can believe and co-create the illusion that you are separate from Source and that will certainly have its consequences (karma). However at the most fundamental level NO-THING can be separate from Source.
That is the Law of ONE.
However, based on that belief of separation many people think that if they do not ascend they will be stuck in a phantom matrix and only the chosen ones will get to ascend.
If this sounds familiar to you it’s because this is just another spin of old heaven and hell religious story.
The truth is that you can ascend in consciousness right HERE and NOW. You can experience heaven on Earth this very moment and commune with the ONE whenever you choose to. You don’t have to wait until the mass ascension occurs 😉
By doing the work now and ascending in consciousness right now you are prepared for whatever comes.
When mass ascension happens almost everyone will ascend. Yes, things like DNA Activation help with the ascension process and because there are multiple dimensions and space time locations you have the possibility to ascend higher if you activate your DNA.
There is a series of cosmic DNA Activations everyone will experience. However, if you consciously activate your DNA then you can accelerate the process and even amplify the effects of these cosmic DNA Activations. Some people will ascend to dimensions 4, 5 and 6, others to dimensions 7,8 and 9 and others will ascend to dimensions 10, 11 and 12. Your state of consciousness and your frequency will be the determining factors that will decide to what dimension you ascend to.
Yes, there will be a minority who will stay stuck still in the 3D realm projecting a fragmented world. This is similar to people who die and don’t know they have died or they remain karmically attached to the Earth, certain people, emotions or experiences.
These beings stay stuck (temporarily) in the astral realm. However, eventually they wake up and continue their journey to evolution.
This will happen to everyone as Source will never leave one of its children behind, no matter how “naughty” that child has been or what they have done.
It was Source who gave itself and its individuation ABSOLUTE free will.
Why would Source give you free will knowing very well that you can choose ANYTHING but then say “I don’t like what you chose so I’m going to have to punish you.” This goes against the Universal Law of Unconditional Love.
What many people have a very hard time understanding is that EVERY single thing is at the most fundamental level part of SOURCE-WILL. Nothing can happen outside of Source or without Source’s Will, no-thing.
The human mind can’t simply grasp the entirety of the ultimate Divine Plan. Like the Tao Te Ching says “You cannot know it, but you can be it…”
Important Re-Minder
Enlightenment doesn’t care how you get there.

Therefor this idea that there is only one path is utter nonsense. There are many ways to heal, to raise your consciousness and raise your frequency.
In fact enlightenment is your essence. You have a direct connection to Christ Consciousness, you simply have chosen to forget in order to play a rather entertaining game of consciousness 😉
Any teaching that inspires fear or victimization, question it.
P.S.: if you would like to change and raise your frequency I have 3 different memberships that you can try for free.
You will get FULL healing sessions. And you can choose to continue the membership to go deeper or cancel your subscription (but still enjoy the benefits of powerful sessions like an Auric Clearing, Heart Chakra Cleanse and Unwinding your Emotional Pain Body).
These sessions are intended to get you as clear as possible so that you make space within you and accrete more light from Source and your Higher Self.
For more details please read below.