Most people are stuck operating ONLY from their Ego consciousness. The Ego represent the 1st three levels of consciousness from your multidimensional anatomy.
1) The physical body and subconscious mind
2) The emotional body or instinctual mind
3) The mental body or analytical mind
Manifesting your reality mainly using your Ego consciousness and its unresolved issues will result in low frequency experiences based on survival, pain, control, lack and a limited scope of possibilities.
But did you know you have an additional 12 levels of consciousness?!
The 4th level of consciousness corresponds to your Astral Mind and it's connected to your heart chakra. Together with your 5th and 6th levels of consciousness they make up what is know as your Soul Identity and your Superconscious-Mind.
When you access and most importantly you embody the levels of mind that correspond to your Higher Self, you will begin to perceive and experience a "hidden" universe filled with higher frequency and brilliant possibilities.
This will allow you to rise above the drama and chaos in order to experience a Divine Order with a full inner-standing of what your role is in this beautiful game of consciousness called life.
Your Superconscious-Mind stores all the information about who you truly are, what your Soul's Purpose is and how to take advantage of the best opportunities for continued spiritual evolution.
By connecting to your Higher Self and learning how to receive YES and NO answers, you can start making decisions that are ALIGNED with your Higher Self and are for your highest good!
Your Higher Self isn't limited by time, space or the narrow possibilities of the Ego. Your Higher Self can manifest in ways you can't even imagine.
When most people think of what would be their dream life, immediately they succumb to unworthiness and doubt.
However, when you get to accrete the light frequencies from your Higher Self, you'll get to manifest a life that supersedes what you thought was possible.
A life filled with a deep sense of connection, belonging, gratitude, fulfillment blessings, expansion, beauty and presence.
Clear your karmic slate, raise your frequency and ascend in consciousness.
Each week you'll get access to at least one healing session. In these sessions we'll dive deep into a wide range of topics: energy blockages, healing, Higher Self awareness, ascension, manifestation, emotional processing, energy centers, multidimensional anatomy, etc.
Plus you'll receive a series of energy clearings and activations that will help you raise your frequency.
Each month I'll be covering a new topic and sometimes even using new Harmonic Resonance Codes.
As I continue my own personal journey of healing and ascension, I will share my latest findings on healing, self mastery, goal manifestation, relationship mastery and success.
In addition to the training sessions, which on average take 60-90 minutes, you'll get access to what I call "Quick Sessions".
These sessions go straight into the energy clearings and the activations. They last around 25 minutes and are perfect for you to repeat as often as you need.
The Quick Sessions allow you to go deeper into the healing and get more work done in less time.
As part of your membership you have unlimited email access to me.
If you have any questions about a session, integration process, a healing or manifestation technique, or anything that is puzzling you, please feel free to send me an email.
I'll be happy to answer all your questions and if possible share additional tools and resources.
I would like to share with you the best healing and manifestation tools that I've gathered in over 20 years through my spiritual journey. These are the same healing sessions and techniques I've used on thousands of my clients to radically change and upgrade their lives.
If you are looking to experience MASSIVE and enlightening results then In-Light-Ment 3.0 is for you.
I was sitting down while activating the mandala for the heart chakra and then my intuition told me to move to my bed to do the third eye mandala activation.
I felt the need to lay on the right side of my body. As soon as I did that I started feeling a strong energetic pressure in my first chakra which started getting bigger and bigger while intensifying in pressure.
Then I felt the energy that was causing the pressure to begin to twist, sort of like a chiropractic adjustment but for my energy body and finally the energy moved upwards up the spine, to the next chakras. My entire chakra system and even my physical body felt very open and flowing.
This was a unique experience for me!
Olga Lopez
Yogati Studio and Spa
After I did the session yesterday I spent over 2 hours just writing and organizing- it just all flowed and I couldn’t write fast enough to keep up with the downloads! I feel so much more clear with what I’m meant to do with my work in guiding women and how to go about it – it feels like it is finally all coming together.
Many healers promise many things. Many have talent and many are successful. I know because I have worked with them. And I have had some good results. But……..the experience of working with Gustavo has completely changed how I see healing, clearing and transformation.
Then there are the “codes”. Beautiful, mysterious visuals that have the uncanny ability to interact with you, entirely in line with your higher good and under the wise direction of your Higher Self. When you are working with them under Gustavo’s expert guidance you feel immediate and palpable shifts. The result is that your energetic field is cleared so that you are able to enact and receive your heart’s desires.
Marsha G
Certified Professional Life Coach, Teacher of The Art of Feminine Presence™, Life Activation Practitioner, Initiated Kabbalist and Wiccan Priestess, Dancer, Choreographer, Dance Teacher
In-Light-Ment 3.0 consists of 5 different levels.
Levels 1-4 will provide you with a series of healing and activation sessions designed to help you raise your frequency, upgrade your reality and embody your Higher Self.
Level 5 is a world class healer practitioner certification.
Learn what your Higher Self is, connect to your Higher Self and clear the heaviest energy blockages that sabotage your connection with your Avatar self. Free yourself from shame, guilt and unworthiness.
CLICK HERE to learn more.
Time to get serious. Clear the top auric attachments from all your chakras, transmute karma from this and past lifetimes, integrate your Shadow Self, learn to process your emotions and open your heart.
CLICK HERE to learn more.
Keep going deeper by transcending your emotional pain body, transmuting your deepest fears, clearing cords of attachment, becoming a higher functioning empath and activate your first 6 strands of DNA.
CLICK HERE to learn more.
Activate strands 8-12, master the Universal Laws, learn how to manifest from your Higher Self, calibrate your Merkaba, activate your Indigo DNA strands and awaken your inner Guru. Plus get access to the Gamma, Theta and Delta In-Light-Ment meditations.
CLICK HERE to learn more.
The highest level, where you will learn how to perform the clearings and activations using your Higher Self connection and the Harmonic Resonance Codes. Become a Soul Alchemist Certified Practitioner, create a solid and well established healing practice, help others embody their Higher Self and fulfill your Soul's Purpose.
CLICK HERE to learn more.
Levels 1-4 is for your personal use only, you will receive healing sessions.
Level 5 is a practitioner certification level that will teach you how to facilitate healing sessions and DNA Activations.
Will I learn how to perform the clearings and activations?
Only the Rishi Level (Level 5) will certify you as a practitioner and will equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge to facilitate sessions for others.
All the other levels (Levels 1-4) are session only levels. You will get access to the recorded sessions and you'll be able to receive healings/activations/clearings by watching the sessions. These levels are for your personal use only.
What if I want to cancel my membership?
For LEVELS 1-4:
You can cancel at anytime. And you have 30 days to request a refund if for any reason this program is not for you. Please be aware that the 2nd payment marks the end of your 30 day trial.
After 30 days you can cancel your subscription at anytime. However, please be aware that upon cancellation, you will lose access to the entire healing portal and all healing sessions.
As long as you are subscribed you'll have unlimited access to all the sessions you've done. The more time you are a member, the more sessions you'll have available.
For LEVEL 5:
For the Rishi Membership, you have 14 days to cancel and request a refund.
After 14 days there are no refunds, however you can cancel at anytime and stop further payments if you used the payment plan option.
Upon cancellation you'll continue to get access to the modules you have paid for but won't get access to future certification modules.
What is the In-Light-Ment membership?
The In-Light-Ment 3.0 Membership is an online subscription that makes it easy and fun to stay committed to your spiritual practice, heal at the soul level and progressively embody your Higher Self.
Consider me your spiritual coach! Each week you’ll find healing and/or training on various spiritual topics, receive clearings and activations and so much more. I take out all the guesswork to make your personal growth practice easy and fun!
Plus, you can access all the content on your phone, computer or tablet. Take me with you on the road, or to your favorite coffee shop.
And if you want to learn how to do this work for others because you have a strong desire to contribute and change people's lives, then the Rishi Level (Level 5) is the ultimate step to create a robust and very complete healing/coaching practice.
Is the In-Light-Ment membership right for me?
If you struggle to stay on track with your practice and always feel like you’re starting over instead of deepening your spiritual life, the In-Light-Mennt Membership will give you the structure and guidance you need to stay on the wagon.
You'll literally release lifetimes worth of karmic baggage and I guarantee that as you go through the sessions and modules you'll experience many breakthroughs, realizations and higher insights that will change your life for the better!
Plus, you’ll have me as your spiritual support system. The In-Light-Ment Membership is for anyone who wants to stay consistent with their spiritual practice and live a miraculous life—whether you’ve been practicing for years or are brand new to your spiritual path.
How is the In-Light-Ment membership delivered?
For each level you'll get access to the sessions and training modules on a weekly basis. After you get access to a session then you'll be able to go back anytime for further study and healing.
You can access the membership portal from your computer, tablet or smartphone. And to make it SUPER easy to stay consistent, I’ll send be sending you emails with additional information about the week's lesson, session or training module.
How long is each level?
The 1st level consists of 4 sessions delivered on a weekly basis or over the course of 1 month.
Levels 2-4 (Soul, Over-Soul and Avatar) are delivered in the course of 12 weeks (3 months for each level for a total of 36 weeks).
The Rishi Level is a 10 month program, each month you'll get access to 1 certification which is divided in 3-4 classes. Each class is anywhere from 1-3 hours long.
Can you elaborate more on what energetic blockages are?
The energetic blockages that cause vibrational dissonances are auric attachments, karmic imprints, shadow self archetypes, cords of attachments, analogical experiences, unnatural implants and reverse codes in the DNA Template. These blockages are the main reason why most people feel stuck.
Furthermore most people have their merkaba running in reverse because the spin rate is off. When the merkaba is not functioning properly it causes molecular compaction because the energy is not going out through the magnetic side of the merkaba.
Ultimately these energetic blockages result in mis-interpretation and mis-perception of reality on all levels of your awareness: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
I've registered for In-Light-Ment but I haven't received my login details, what should I do?
If you haven't received an email right after registering, please check your spam folder.
If you used PayPal to register, please check the email you use for your PayPal account.
If you cannot find the welcome email with your login details please contact me and I'll be happy to set up your account
What are the Harmonic Resonance Codes?
Please click here to learn more about the HR Codes.
Is the Rishi Level the same as your previous Soul Alchemist Certification?
The Soul Alchemist used to have two levels:
Level 1: Auric Attachment Transmutation, Karma Removal and Shadow Self Integration
Level 2: Unnatural Implants Removal and 12 Strand DNA Activation
The Rishi level is an upgrade to the Soul Alchemist that has 6 additional certifications, 10 certifications in total.
This makes it the most complete set of certifications you can get as an energy healer. The sheer amount of issues and blockages you'll be able to help others (and yourself of course) heal is astounding!
Will I become enlightened by doing this program?
This session or anything outside of you for that matter, will not give you the experience of enlightenment. Only you can do that.
What In-Light-Ment will do is peel away, layer by layer, the false Ego based identities that are preventing you from tuning in into the part of YOU that is already enlightened.
In-Light-Ment will help you clear the energetic blockages, misperceptions and misinterpretations so that you can make your free-will choices IN LINE with your Higher Self.
In-Light-Ment will help reveal the path towards enlightenment, both the inner and outer path. Actually these sessions will help lift the veils on the parts of you that are un-enlightened so that you can bring more light or Life Force Energy into those areas.
The In-Light-Ment course will assist you in silencing the conflicting voices or thought-forms in your mind and allow the voice of your Higher Self to communicate with you and guide you so you can take inspired (IN-SPIRIT) action.
Will In-Light-Ment interfere with other healing modalities?
TNo. The energy clearings and activations In-Light-Ment provides can only increase the benefits and effectiveness of other healing modalities like reiki, plant medicine, hands on healing, kriya yoga, shamanic journeys or any type of meditation.
Can I skip levels?
When it comes to the first 4 levels you must do them in sequential order. This guarantees you get the maximum benefits and results from the clearings and activations.
For example, if you go directly to activate your DNA you will not be able to enjoy the benefits of this session due to still having Auric Attachments and Karmic Imprints.
You can however to straight to the Rishi Level (Level 5) without doing the first 4 levels.
Can I register for all 5 In-Light-Ment levels at once?
Yes you can get full access to all 5 levels at once and you'll get a $1,000 discount when you do so. You can select this option during your checkout.
Can I purchase just one certification from the Rishi Level? And how much would that be?
Yes, if you want to do 1 or 2 certifications only, then you can purchase them for $697 each. Please send me an email so that I can send you the link.
If you would like to do 3 or 4 certifications only, then you can purchase them as a package with a discount (you'll pay $497 for each).
Please send me an email and I'll send you the link to register for the certifications of your choice.
Before these sessions, I saw myself as someone who would never live outside of pain. I was willing to do all I could to mitigate it, but I believed it could be managed, not healed. Now I feel differently. My life quest has been to move from “freeze” to “flow” and Gustavo enabled me to do this.
Constance C. Jones
M.A., L.P.C.
Hello, Gustavo-
Yes, hard to believe only one week to go! But I am not stopping once that
I feel EMPOWERED by this challenge, to be honest. At first, I honestly wasn't sure I could go through with it in its entirety - I am very good at starting a project and stopping it down the road.
Thank you so much for this challenge and also for the InLightMent 3.0 sessions - they are helping me more than I can say - I wake up happier than I have been in years (decades) are a godsend and I thank Universe every day for you and this opportunity!
While doing your sessions I have felt huge releases of ancient memories and beliefs, like if there was some water washing and carrying away all that old stuck stuff, refreshing and expanding my Soul!
I had visions and went through different states of consciousness while focusing on the Codes. I felt the energy moving very fast, renewing and absolutely liberated, and causing a grand sensation of opening in the frontal lobe area and in the Heart area…
Hello Gustavo!
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the course. I think it’s amazing because I could really see progress, I really don’t know how to fully verbalize it but I could feel it in my life. Previously I was still holding on to something and I could not let go of it, and now I feel like it is possible for me to manifest the relationship I believe is there for me!
And also I could see other changes in my life, so many changes that are still going on…the universe is preparing me for “something” and removing things that are no longer helpful to me. I am attracting new situations and people whose vibration is similar to mine and I enjoy this very much. I will keep you updated with my manifestation progress because I am sure it will happen, although I can’ t know exactly how it will happen…I am open to surprises.
The most interesting thing is that before I signed up for your program I used to have recurring dreams of being alone and feeling extremely lonely, abandoned and left out. But last week I had a dream and I was with someone, it felt like my soulmate! I don’t remember what we were doing because it did not even feel like we were in our human forms. I had never had a dream like this before.
I never told you this but before I did the sessions with you I had a dream where I was walking through a path and a voice told me “You are not going to have any relationship unless you work on yourself.” I woke up feeling kind of sad but later on I found you and now I am having new dreams. To me this is an indication that this work and my new perspective on life is changing how I feel subconsciously about myself and what is possible, and this is being reflected in my dreams.
Thank you so much!
About Your instructor
I've been a professional energy healer and teacher for over 15 years. In that time I've traveled all over the world mastering my craft, teaching others how to heal themselves and live from their Higher Self.
I've been blessed to do what I love for a living, manifest the love of my life, be a father to a magical child and have the time to enjoy this beautiful life and its wonders.
I'm eager to help you navigate the matrix with ease and manifest the life you have always envisioned!
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