Karma is the way to awakening and enlightenment.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not creating karma that is the way rather it is processing and transmuting your karma that will lead to your awakening.
The tricky thing about it is that when karma gets activated within you and projected onto your holographic reality, it can be quite uncomfortable.
For this reason people tend to resist karma and avoid the situations and people that usually trigger a karmic response.
But you know what they say…whatever you resist, persists.
And when you resist karma, meaning you do anything and everything to distract yourself and not process the karma, it not only persists it gets stronger as the etheric charge solidifies within your auric field.
This leads to the typical scenario where a person’s shadow self and pain body come out full force after being dormant for a while, causing a lot of drama and sabotage.
The frequency of your karma will inevitably attract you to the people, places, times, things and event that resonate with it.
Family: One of the Most Common Karmic Triggers
Ask yourself this, do you think this is the first time you have spent a lifetime with your current family members?
What does your intuition tell you?
It’s no secret that the majority of people are born into a family constellation mainly to resolve and heal past life karma.
Some people incarnate with what used to be some of their worst enemies from other lifetimes. However, they soon forget what they came here to do (due to blockages in the DNA) and instead of resolving the karmic ties between them and their family members, they continue to create more karma.
And so they perpetuate the cycle and set themselves up for yet another lifetime of walking the same old family karma/drama.
4 Signs That You Still Have Family Karma
These four signs that tell you if you still have family karma and are likely to keep reincarnating with the same relatives:
1) You hold grudges against one or more family members. Any bitterness or resentment that keeps you from forgiving the past will create a karmic contract between you and them.
2) You still feel guilty for something you did to a family member.
3) You still feel anger or hatred towards a family member.
4) You constantly get caught up in family drama and causes you to react with sadness, fear, guilt, anxiety, etc.
This also applies to ex-spouses. That ex-husband or ex-wife you wish you had never met, as long as you have unresolved emotions and cords of attachments with them you will continue to encounter them in future lifetimes.
Right now you have the opportunity to finally stop this karmic loop and ascend to another future timeline that is more in line with your Higher Self.
Do You Need To Walk Your Karma?
There are much faster ways to transcend karma than to walk your karma, which can literally take multiple lifetimes.
If you are still being emotionally and mentally triggered by any of your family members then your work is NOT DONE.
And this “work” might appear daunting and even exhausting, but that is mainly because people associate working on their karma with walking their karma.
However, there is a more efficient and faster way to clear your karmic slate. After all, karmic imprints are made up of energy and any type of energy can be transmuted.
Imagine if you could energetically disengage and transmute layers and layers of family karma from this and other lifetimes. Think about the spiritual, emotional and mental freedom you would enjoy if you were at PEACE with all your family members.
In the Karma Removal Mastery Practitioner Certification I will teach you how to effectively transmute layers and layers of the top 7 karmic imprints from ALL levels of your awareness.
Plus you will also learn how to identify and clear FAMILY KARMIC IMPRINTS that are currently sabotaging your spiritual evolution.
I have created a Harmonic Resonance Code that is specifically designed to clear family karma and in this certification training you will learn how to clear lifetimes worth of karmic baggage, including family karma.
Think about how did that last family reunion go?
Imagine clearing the energetic blockages related to the SOURCE of the mental and emotional painful reactions that get triggered by your family members.
What if you could remain in a state of centeredness, peace and equanimity when meeting your family members the next time?
It’s possible. I’ve done it and so can you.
I AM looking forward to helping you clear your karmic slate!
Gustavo Castañer
Founder of In-Light-Ment and AscendedRelationships
Creator of the Harmonic Resonance Codes
Q: Will I be able to facilitate this work for others?
A: Yes, this is a certification training. My intent is to empower you to do this work for yourself and others. This is one of the session I perform the most because they are the highest priority energetic blockages, if you do not clear auric attachments then any energy healing work you do will not be as deep or will have limited results.
Q: How much is the investment?
A: The investment for this training is only $497 (you get a bigger discount when you sign up for the entire Self Realized Healer 8 Month Certification training).
Depending on how much you charge for your sessions, you can easily recoup your investment by facilitating 3-4 karmic clearing sessions or even 1 live webinar/workshop.
Click here to sign up for the Karma Removal Mastery Certification Training only.
Click here to sign up for the Self Realized Healer 9 Month Certification.
Q: When does the training start?
A: The training starts on March 11th at 7pm EST and will be broadcasted via Zoom. When you sign up you’ll receive a link to access the live training sessions.
Q: How long will the training be?
A: It’s a 3 part training and will have around 5 hours of content.
Q: Will there be a recording of each session?
A: Yes, if you cannot attend the live training sessions you’ll be able to watch the recordings. You’ll have lifetime access to the recordings, so you can watch them and practice at your own pace.
Q: What will I learn in this training?
A: You will learn the minute details of how energy blockages are created, the different types of auric attachments and where to find them in the energetic body. You will also learn how to sense energy, utilize energy directing techniques and of course clear auric attachments.
Q: What is included in the training?
A: Three recorded trainings. A PDF with all the information so you can study the material. The Harmonic Resonance Code for clearing karmic imprints and another code to specifically clear Family Karma (I will be talking more about this in an upcoming newsletter).
Q: What other trainings are included in the Self Realized Healer 8 month certification?
A: This certification is really 9 certifications in ONE. Here is the list of all the sessions you will be certified to facilitate:
1) Auric Attachments Clearing Session (this part already took place in April, if you would like to get access please send me an email).
2) Karma Clearing Session
3) Shadow Self Integration Session
4) Fear Transmutation Session
5) Emotional Pain Body Unwinding Session
6) Heart Chakra Activation and Opening Session
7) Universal Laws Mastery Session (13 different Universal Laws using 14 Harmonic 8) Resonance Codes)
8) High Functioning Empath Session
9) Embodying The Frequencies of Abundance and How To Build A Thriving Online Healing Practice.
Q: When can I start facilitating sessions?
A: At the end of each month you’ll be fully equipped to facilitate a full healing session. That means that you can start recouping your investment right after we finish the first month. Then each month you’ll learn a completely new session which you can add to your session repertoire.
By facilitating 3-4 healing sessions (depending on what you charge) or a single live/online workshop you can recoup your monthly investment. And many of these sessions can be done more than once, each time allowing your client to go deeper and clear heavier energy blockages.
P.S.: This training was originally $697 but due to the current world events I want to make it accessible to as many people as possible.
This certification will allow you to facilitate remote sessions and be able to manifest abundance even in the midst of this lockdown, ultimately allowing you to escape the trap of a wage slave job and avoid being forced to live on a Basic Universal Income that will certainly come with some nasty strings attached.