Higher Self Guidance Session

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Recently I got an email from someone asking the following:

“Hi. Can you throw some light on karmic relationships. What they are exactly & do they work?”

In this blog post I’m going to dissect the minute details of what karmic relationships are, how they are created and most importantly how to transcend them.

Plus answer a question I frequently get asked, “Do karmic relationships work?”

What Makes A Karmic Relationship

The answer seems pretty obvious, right? Karma shared between two people is the determining factor for karmic relationships. However, there is a plethora of misconceptions and misinterpretations as to what karma really is.

In order to understand how karma can affect or even control a relationship we need to clearly define what karma is. Our definition of karma is: decisions, truths, concepts, alignments, contracts, oaths, vows, unresolved emotions and attitudes, held consciously and unconsciously that create, influence or magnetize events and experience in current reality.

These karmic contracts are always polarized, hence they “output” or radiate, discordant magnetic fields. Examples of polarized issues are: “I love myself, I don’t love myself; I must forgive, I can’t forgive; I love men/women, I despise men/women; God loves me, God doesn’t love me, etc.

These unresolved, polarized emotions and attitudes are carried by our soul’s memory from lifetime to lifetime, and become “hardwired” into the brain’s neocortex of the bodies we’ve incarnated into.

How Karma Is Created

The creation of karma occurs mainly in two different forms:

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    Making choices against Source-Will

    For example whenever you choose judgment instead of unconditional love you will create a karmic imprint. Or whenever you choose fear instead of the Law of ONE, that choice will trigger the Universal Law of Cause and Effect and create a karmic imprint in your DNA.

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    Identification with thought-forms, beliefs or attitudes

    When a person experiences a traumatic experience or an extremely emotional event they usually enter an altered state of consciousness of being in no-time. When this happens we can unconsciously create quantum potentials and soul fragments by IDENTIFYING with the negative or limiting thought-form that we are experiencing during that traumatic event.

For the sake of karmic relationship we are going to focus on the 2nd form of karma creation. Let’s use two common relationship experiences that can create karmic imprints:

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    A married woman is told by her husband that he wants a divorce. She did not see this coming and when she hears her husband say "I want a divorce" she flips out (going into the state of no-time) and in that altered state of consciousness she experiences the thought "He is abandoning me!" and emotionally energizes this thought-form by identifying with it.

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    A man comes home to find his wife with another man. In that moment he freaks out and experiences the thought "She betrayed me!". Later on he might continue to experience thought-forms like "I'll never trust a woman again." or "She broke my heart." The more he identifies with the thought-forms and emotionally charges them the stronger the etheric charge of that soul fragment will become.

These type of thought-forms and the vows we make become attitudes, belief systems and paradigms that we live by (consciously or subconsciously).

The Karmic Attraction

A person who has a karmic contract that says “I’ll never trust men/women again.” will attract people who can’t be trusted and thus manifest a karmic loop of constantly being betrayed. Someone that has a deep fear of abandonment will magnetize a person who has commitment issues or is likely to suddenly leave.

A common scenario is a person who believes they can’t be loved attracts someone who believes they are incapable of opening their heart and truly loving someone else.

Two people can only be together and STAY together if they have a similar or identical frequency. And one of the things that greatly determines your frequency is your karmic slate. Your karmic imprints will attract you to the people, places, times, things and events that RESONATE with those twisted energy patterns within you.

“I will always be with you.”

Often in relationship we will make promises with the person we love. These spoken or unspoken vows, can create a karmic tie that energetically connects these two individuals for multiple lifetimes.

Let’s say that you fell madly in love with someone and told them “I’ll will always be with you.” or “I’ll never be with anyone else but you.” But then as time went by things happened and that love you once felt for that person is no longer there and you decide to break up the relationship.

The other person can still think that the promise you made is still valid and remain connected to you via a karmic tie. Even if you die and reincarnate again the other person will continue to come into your life until this karmic contract is completely absolved.

Karmic Relationships Vs. Ascended Relationships

Karmic relationships are therefor relationship in which the main source of connection and energy interaction is based on the frequency of karmic imprints and/or karmic ties.

On the contrary, an ascended relationship is a relationship that is main source of connection is through Higher Self or spiritual ties and based on higher giving love.

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    Karmic Relationship

    Strong connection and influence from karmic imprints and karmic ties. Usually both partners mainly operate from the first three chakras (Ego) and are caught up in dynamics of co-dependency, control, victimization, blaming, emotional pain, etc.

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    Ascended Relationship

    Strong connection via the Higher Self and soul purpose/mission. Both partners have done the necessary healing work to transcend the blockages from first three chakras and have begun to open their heart chakra. Unconditional self love, self responsibility and interdependency thrive in this type of relationship.

Can soulmates and twin-flames have karmic relationships?

YES! In fact most relationship have some karma to work through and if you read the countless twin-flame stories on the internet you’ll realize that twin-flames often have a LOT of karma.

Meeting your twin-flame doesn’t equate to being in an ascended relationship right from the start. Yes, there is a strong Higher Self connection happening there but if you don’t EMBODY the frequencies of that connection by clearing the karmic blockages you will most likely end up having a painful and dysfunctional Ego driven relationship.

Do Karmic Relationships Work?

The short answer is YES. Now, how exactly does that looks like will vary from relationship to relationship as you work through the karma. This is the KEY, most people think that when the karma begins to surface in a relationship it signals that there is something WRONG, but it’s the opposite.

Karma is the ENTRY POINT to heal, unwind and expand. The other person is showing you what you need to work and if you diligently heal and transcend that karma that relationship will fulfill its purpose.

Does that mean that you will stay together?

Not necessarily. Some karmic relationships are simply meant to be an opportunity to heal that past karma and once that karma is healed and you no longer resonate with that person you will inevitably move on.

The new wisdom and higher frequencies that have been integrated will lead you to manifest a higher vibrational relationship in the future-now.

However, sometimes both people will work on their karma and shift from a karmic relationship to an ascended relationship or a 5D relationship. Through this process of growth and evolution they will co-create stronger and more vibrant soul connections that will transform the relationship and propel them to new heights.

My Own Relationship

When I met my beloved it was such a powerful event. We both had recently done manifestations to meet the love of our lives. Actually, in one of the manifestations I received a very clear message from my Higher Self of WHEN and WHERE I would meet Jenn.

As guided by my Higher Self I went to a Yoga studio where there was a tantra workshop being given at a Friday night and I met my future wife.

That was in 2010 and like almost every relationship we spent the first couple of months in cloud 9 and we couldn’t get enough of each other.

And then our emotional pain bodies and karmic imprints began to surface 🙂 Fortunately I had been already clearing soul fragments and karmic imprints via my Higher Self almost every day for over 3 years.

And anytime a dysfunctional relationship dynamic would manifest in our relationship I would connect to Jenn’s Higher Self and my Higher Self in order to clear the karmic imprints, soul fragments and energy blockages related to the SOURCE of the pain, fears, drama, etc.

Every time I performed a clearing we would release stagnant energies (some which we had been carrying for multiple lifetimes and even past relationships) and we would accrete more light. Through this process we were constantly ascending in frequency and consciousness as a couple.

If we had not worked on our karma we would probably would not be together now, even though we are twin flames.

Going Deeper

To find out how to ascend from a 3D Relationship to a 5D Relationship visit:


To learn more about karma and its effects:


Learn how to clear karma and other energy blockages on other people and yourself:
