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This will be the final blog post on relationship red flags and we will finish off by talking about men who embody the spiritual wimp persona.

The Spiritual Wimp

This character has a huge ego and feels that God dropped him off on Earth so he could sit around being “special” while other people worship him. He is usually so “holy” that he can’t soil his hands with life. The spiritual wimp expects people to see his divineness, treat him like a god and to honor him always.

This person often suffers from being emotionally weak and is so lacking in his ability to command life, that he allows everyone to run over him. Because of this he also heavily identifies with the Victim Archetype and blames everyone and everything for his own unhappiness.

Usually he struggles like crazy, for he expects special treatment and thinks the world and universal laws should adjust to him, not him to the world.

Don’t Try To Rescue Him

The spiritual wimp will tend to attract a woman who thinks she can heal and rescue him. And because the spiritual wimp is a professional victim this will create a rescuer-victim karmic loop.

Victims don’t want to be rescued, they only want your pity. After a while victims get tired of your attempts to fix them and this is when they lash out, hurt you and end up becoming tyrants. After he sees you are hurt he will feel guilty and will now try to RESCUE you! By now you have gotten yourself into an endless rescuing-victimization-tyrant-guilt karmic loop.

Spiritual wimps and victims lack a great deal of personal power and to compensate for this they in turn try to control you, creating an insurmountable pattern of drama.

Be With A Man Who Is Willing To Step Up

Being in a relationship with a spiritual wimp man can be really frustrating because anytime there is a confrontation, argument or an emotional storm, he will react like a victim and often going into a dysfunctional reaction like “I can’t deal with this.”

His inability to be a warrior and step up to the occasion will result in frequent withdrawals in order to escape his feelings of overwhelm. The problem is that whenever a man withdraws emotionally or physically, by leaving the space where his partner is, the woman will not trust him.

Men who are able to communicate verbally and non-verbally to their partners “I am here, bring it on” will gain their trust and create a deep sense of connection. Women need to be listened to and need to have a partner that can be a reliable source of support.

After reading the Relationship Red Flags blog posts series you might be thinking “Where in the world can I find a man without all these issues?” 🙂

The key is not finding a man who has zero amount of these red flags, that is almost impossible. Instead is about finding a man who has the willingness, commitment and openness to diligently work on himself from a state of personal power, accountability, integrity and responsibility. Men who constantly re-invent themselves will keep an aura of novelty and keep the relationship feeling fresh.

Remember, your frequency will determine what type of man you resonate with. The key to manifesting a higher vibrational relationship is to raise your own frequency.  The 5D Relationship Manifestation Portal is a phenomenal tool you can use everyday to clear our relationship karmic slate and raise your frequency so that you can attract a conscious man.

I sincerely hope you found some pearls of wisdom in these blog posts and that in some way it leads you to the manifestation of an outstanding relationship.

Much love,
