Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

Addictions almost always signal a deep unresolved emotional pain. The pain is so unbearable that the person uses their addiction to escape feeling this pain.

But unprocessed pain always finds a way out. The more we repress or suppress a pain the more layers of unresolved emotional energy we add to it. Eventually it has so much etheric mass that the person will re-act and project this pain to other people, especially those close to him.

In some cases the emotional pain and its etheric mass become so solidified that it ends up manifesting as a physical dis-ease. For obvious reasons is not a good idea to get into a relationship with an addict.

Discarnates: What Most People Don’t Know About Addiction

I’m sure you know a lot about the negative effects of alcohol and other similar socially acceptable drugs, so I’m going to skip those facts. What you might not know is that the auric field of alcoholics is FULL of discarnates. Discarnates are beings who have died but haven’t successfully gone through the tunnel of light and are instead stuck in the astral realm.

Now you know why some types of alcoholic drinks are called SPIRITS.

In many cases the discarnates are earth bound because of their previous life attachments: karmic ties, unfulfilled desires and you guessed it, addictions.

The problem with discarnates who were addicts is that they no longer have a physical body to get their fix. So what do discarnates do? They attach themselves to living people who are partaking in their favorite addictions and then feed off from the emotional energy the person discharges while under the influence.

The same scenario happens with other drugs, pornography, gambling and even cigarettes.

Discarnates will project thought-forms to the addicted person so that they continue consuming the addictive substance or engaging in the addictive behavior. For example they’ll project a thought-form like “It’s ok, have one more beer.” or “This will be the last one, after this one your done.”

The person most likely is oblivious to the discarnates presence and will interpret the thought as his/her own.

Who Are You Dating?

When you are in a relationship with an addict it means that unfortunately you will also be in a relationship with the discarnates attached to that person. Have you ever wondered why someone who at times is the sweetest person in the world can suddenly transform into a monster after just a few drinks?

Drugs compromise the integrity of a person’s auric field, making them an easy prey for discarnates and negative entities. Whenever you have sex with this person you will pick up some of these negative energies and auric attachments. This is the reason why many people eventually fall into the same addictions that their partner have.

If you are dating an addict and you have tried everything to help them but nothing has worked then it might be time to end the relationship on ALL levels of your awareness. Simply breaking the relationship and getting some distance will not be sufficient to free yourself from the negative energies you have picked up during this relationship.

Make sure you clear yourself from the cords of attachments, karmic ties and discarnates related to that relationship. Otherwise these energetic blockages will either cause you to go back to that relationship or simply attract someone else with a similar set of addictions and emotional pain.