rishi Level
Build a robust healing practice with which you can help your clients constantly experience higher states of transcendence, growth, breakthrough and evolution.
Module 1
Auric attachments represent the greatest challenge in your emotional, mental and spiritual evolution.
Module 2
Learn how to clear karma from this and past lifetimes on yourself, your students or family members.
Module 3
Integrate the archetypes and personas that make up your shadow self.
Module 4
Unwind the layers that make up one of the lowest frequency energy fields in your bio-energetic system.
Module 5
Transform each of your fears and loosen its power over who you are and what you can do.
Module 6
Cleanse your heart chakra and activate it to its highest frequency holding potential and Original Divine Function.
Module 7
Finally transcend being a poor functioning empath and experience the wonder and joy of being a High Functioning Empath.
Module 8
Learn advanced manifestation techniques and share them with your clients.
Module 9
Help your students align themselves with the Universal Laws so that their life can begin to flow at a higher level.
Module 10
Help others activate their Divine Potential for ascension and the embodiment of their Higher Self.
Payment Plan
for 10 Months
21 Day free Trial
One Time Payment
Hi Gustavo!
I realized that your codes are really amazing and they made me realize that I am in charge of my own life and am capable of doing and creating the most amazing things.Your codes have made me feel that I am an alchemist, a magician, a beam of pure light and now when anyone asks me for help all I have to do is pick up your codes and meditate on them. Thank you Gustavo!
I'm now busy renovating my new place and will be moving in around end of December. In fact i was thinking after I settle down there I will contact you to have a session with you. Once again thank you coming into my life, even at this late stage. Lots of love
Hi Gustavo!
Just wanted to give you some feedback. I did the karma removal lesson last night with the activations shortly before I went to bed and I had lucid dreams the entire night, receiving downloads from my higher self also experiencing intense soul integration where I could feel that intense clearings were happening in my sleep, and that soul parts were merging my me. It was so intense this work is so much fun!
I've only experienced similar things in psychedelic ceremonies but not quite like this.
"I feel empty. Lol. Like I check into my energy field and all these heavy knots of guilt and shame and remorse and negative inner emotion aren't there. I feel very clean and clear. Almost too clean! I'm not used to going back to an old template that's no longer running. I find myself pulling "blanks" when thinking about prior relationships and people.
It's been a wonderful release! A lot of highly emotionally charged memories are letting themselves go and I'm finding some huge ass wounds from childhood (needing validation, attention, not being "seen") finally start to integrateI continue to observe and honor the process. Your work is truly magic! "
In regards to the client I had mentioned in the previous email, I followed up to just remind her to stay with the process, and that the credit is all to the Codes, her Higher Self and Divine Love / Source energy for doing all the work, as I am simply a conduit for it . But it was great affirmation how strong /powerful this process is! (You already know hahaha). Just thought I'd share : )
I was not very “sensitive” to energy till I started using the harmonic resonance codes. That’s when I started sensing my chakras opening up. That, to me, was a big step forward.
Gustavo always stresses on connecting to the Higher Self and letting the Higher Self do the work. His technique of connecting to the Higher Self was simple and effective. I had no idea it could be that easy.
That’s what the Higher Self always wants from us – to connect with it, and allow it to guide us! Now, my connection with the Higher Self is much stronger, and I don’t feel like I’m on the spiritual journey alone (like I used to).
Hi Gustavo!
I just wanted to give you an update and say thank you again. I've been using the codes every day for my own healing and I can really notice my own inner transformation.
I feel like I am embodying my Higher Self and I always feel my twin flame's energy with me I've even started my online business and I have my first client!
Your work has helped me so much and I'm so excited to share it with others. I am so grateful that I stumbled upon your website and listened to my intuition to take your trainings!
Much love,
Where can I find more info about each certification?
Click on the links below to learn more about each training:
What exactly is a Soul Alchemist?
A Soul Alchemist is defined as a person who is able to transmute energy and shift consciousness at the quantum level of the awareness.
Unlike the average person who tries to change their reality through their three dimensional Ego consciousness, which often leads to pain, disappointment and drama, the Soul Alchemist taps into her/his Higher Self consciousness (dimensions 4-15) to alter their reality and bend the matrix in Divine Right Timing and Divine Right Order.
The reality change brought about the Soul Alchemist is an inner change, that like a ripple effect spreads throughout the holographic universe. This change in consciousness shines brightly and serves as a call for others to awaken.
The Soul Alchemist understands the importance of frequency and knows that in order to change her current reality she MUST change her frequency so that she can attract and experience a higher vibrational reality.
What is the duration of the Rishi Level?
The Rishi Level has over 43 hours of combined material that will be delivered over the course of 10 months. You can expect around 4 hours of training per month.
When can I start working with clients?
As soon as you finish the first module (Auric Attachments Transmutation) you can start doing sessions for other people. Each month you'll have an entirely new session to offer to your clients, friends, family members, etc.
What happens if I have a question?
You can always send me an email and I'll be happy to answer any question you may have. I've designed these certifications in such a way that everything is meticulously explained. You'll also be able to listen to the questions previous students had and my answers.
Will I really learn how to connect to my Higher Self?
You will learn how to connect to your Higher Self and the Higher Self of other people, plus how to read energy signatures. This process is quite simple enough that some people can learn how to do it in a matter of minutes!
The best part is that you will learn how to use the Harmonic Resonance Codes. We will be using a unique code for each type of clearing. Each code has been programmed to perform clearings and activations. You will learn how to activate the codes and then simply witness how the codes and your Higher Self do all the work.
You will get a PDF version of the video training (contains all the definitions, terms and activation protocols) so you can review the material and study at your own pace. The work is simple enough that you can learn how to do it in a short period of time. However, the more you do the work the more you will perceive and sense subtle energies, get information from your Higher Self and intuitively know how to use the codes.
Do I get a diploma?
Yes, at the end of the course you'll get the Soul Alchemist Diploma.
However, if you desire to get a diploma for each certification then simply send me an email with this request after you've completed each module.
What are the benefits of doing sessions for others?
Every time you do a session for another person you'll receive a session yourself, this is due to the fact that you'll be healing from a state of Oneness.
This means every time you activate a person's DNA you'll be activating your own.
But the most rewarding aspect of doing sessions for others is really helping them release blockages that have been holding them back and watching them experience life changing breakthroughs and realizations.
How long are the training videos?
Every week you'll receive a video that will be 1-3 hours long. Most of them are under 2 hours.
I have never done a healing certification, will this be too advanced for me?
Yes and no The material and techniques presented are indeed very advanced energy healing techniques. However, I have created the healing protocol in such a way that any person who resonates with this information and has the intent to heal can easily learn how to do it for themselves and others.
I'm not clairvoyant, will I be able to do this work?
Yes! You don't need to "see" energy in order to do these sessions. I'll teach you a very simple and powerful way to sense energy. The more sessions you do the more you'll notice your energy sensitivity getting more acute
And with the step by step protocol I provide you with you'll be able to facilitate sessions in no time.
What type of changes can I expect after doing this training?
You are going to be performing psychic surgery on all your chakras. Each chakra has a specific frequency and depending on the unresolved emotions and thought-forms that a karmic imprint and/or soul fragment may have, they will be connected to one or more of your chakras.
That means that you will be learning to clear and transmute soul fragments, karmic imprints, auric attachments, thought-forms and unresolved emotions related to:
- Fear
- Pain and suffering
- Abundance
- Self confidence and self esteem
- Power and control
- Heartbreak, betrayal, resentment, hatred
- Guilt, shame, unworthiness
- Speaking and living your truth
- How you perceive and interpret reality
- Your relationship to Source/God
- Relationships
- Physical body
- Self doubt
As you release these discordant energies from your field your frequency will change on all levels of your multidimensional anatomy. Helping you to attract a higher frequency grid of people, places, times, things and events. Remember, if you don't change your frequency nothing will change.
You will also experience less negative thoughts as we remove discarnates from your field. This will in turn strengthen the connection and communication with your Higher Self.
What happens if I cancel before completing the 10 months?
For the Rishi Membership you have 3 options to sign up:
1) Monthly Installments: you can cancel at anytime and stop further payments.
Upon cancellation you'll continue to get access to the modules you have paid for but won't get access to future certification modules.
2) 21 Day Trial: you have 21 days to cancel your trial. After 21 days the monthly installments will begin. You can cancel at anytime.
3) One Time Payment: you have 14 days after registration to request a refund.
Can I purchase just one certification from the Rishi Level? And how much would that be?
Yes, if you want to do 1 or 2 certifications only, then you can purchase them for $697 each. Please send me an email so that I can send you the link.
If you would like to do 3 or 4 certifications only, then you can purchase them as a package with a discount (you'll pay $497 for each).
Please send me an email and I'll send you the link to register for the certifications of your choice.
I'm always available and happy to answer any questions you may have. So go ahead and send me an email to:
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