One of my favorite teachers, Byron Katie, says there are only 3 types of business in this universe:
- Your business (your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, body, lifestyle, etc.)
- Someone else’s business (their thoughts, emotions, attitudes, diets, religion, lifestyle, etc.)
- God’s business (earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, war, etc.)
Much of our stress comes from mentally living out of our own business.
When I think, “You need to get a job, you should be more loving, I want you to be happy, you should be on time, you need to take better care of yourself,” I am in your business.
When I’m worried about earthquakes, floods, war, or when I will die, I am in God’s business. If I am mentally in your business or in God’s business, the effect is separation.
For Byron Katie, the word God means “reality.” Reality is God, because it rules. Anything that’s out of my control, your control, and everyone else’s control — she calls that God’s business.
If you can differentiate between these types of businesses and stay in your own business, then you can GREATLY reduce, if not completely eliminate, suffering and stress.
It’s pretty simple, right? All you need to do is ask yourself “Mentally, whose business am I in right now?”
The Challenge
The challenge most people face is they have unresolved blockages in the form of trauma, soul fragments, karmic imprints and cords of attachment that keep their minds getting into other people’s business and God’s business.
These blockages cause them to react unconsciously and go into destructive patterns. By the time they become aware, if that even happens, they are already in someone else’s business and are experiencing emotional pain.
If you can train yourself to stay in your business then you would avoid 99% of the stress and drama that you are currently experiencing.
Let me give you an example of how this works.
Let’s say you hate dogs that constantly bark and your neighbor happens to have two dogs that will bark day and night. Whose business is it if your neighbor down the street has a dog that won’t stop barking? Your neighbor’s business.
Whose business is it if you are angry at your neighbor down the street because his dogs won’t stop barking? Your business.
Life is simple—it is internal.
I once worked with a guy who had this very same problem. He was easily triggered by barking dogs and his neighbor happened to have two dogs that wouldn’t stop barking.
He had two options, he could keep getting angry at his neighbor (he had already talked to him about the issue but the dogs kept barking) or he could process his anger. Until that moment he had never considered the second option. At this point he didn’t have anything to lose, so he processed his own resistance and anger to the dog’s barking.
After successfully unwinding all these unresolved emotions and negative energy he found himself not being triggered anymore. And then to his surprise, a few weeks later his neighbor actually moved out with his dogs
What You Can Do
Here are some tips to stay in your business, surrender to reality and become a lover of what is.
First tip. Count, in five minute intervals, how many times you are in someone else’s business mentally. Notice when you give uninvited advice or offer your opinion about something (aloud or silently).
Second tip. Ask yourself: “Am I in their business? Did they ask me for my advice?” And more importantly, “Can I take the advice I am offering and apply it to my life?”
Third tip. If you are still getting triggered after becoming aware that you are mentally in someone else’s business or God’s business, then it is time for you to learn how to process your emotions and transmute the soul fragments, karmic imprints and cords of attachment related to your anger, sadness, frustration, stress, fear and most of all your need to control.
One of the main reasons why most people fail to stay in their business is because they have unresolved traumas, emotions and soul fragments related to control.
On January 18th at 8pm EST I will be hosting the Healing Control and Surrendering To What IS Live Webinar where I will be facilitating a series of energy clearings to help you release the energy blockages that are at the root cause of stress and suffering.
They believe that if they can control another person, an outcome, a situation, an event or some other factor of their external reality…THEN they would be ok and feel at peace.
This however never works. Peace is an inside job and in order to experience world peace you must first experience inner peace
Accelerate Your Progress
I remember when I discovered the teachings of Byron Katie 15 years ago and I thought “Wow, this makes so much sense!”
And even though I completely resonated with what she was saying and I was willing to put it into practice…it was easier said than done!
Then I did something that expedited my success in staying in my business. And that was to clear the soul fragments, karmic imprints, cords of attachments and other energetic blockages related to my own control issues and what was being triggered within me.
By connecting to my Higher Self and transmuting these energetic blockages I was eliminating the source of the trigger and it became easier to distinguish in whose business I was in and actually staying in my business.
I can help you do the same.
On January 18th at 8pm EST I will be hosting the Healing Control and Surrendering To What IS Live Webinar.
In this webinar I will help you clear layers and layers of soul fragments, karmic imprints, cords of attachments and other energetic blockages related to the Ego’s need for control.
This means letting go of the need to control other people and the world at large.
This will increase the amount of energy and focus you have to control the things you can actually control and change your reality for the better.
Looking forward to having you on the webinar!
Gustavo Castañer