The world is about to profoundly change with the rapid advancement and implementation of AI. This thing is about to hit society like a freight train and this is my attempt to equip you with tools to deal with it, to adapt, and to thrive.
Perhaps you’re excited and optimistic, but if you’ve been paying attention and have been watching the trajectory of this technology, chances are you might be a bit concerned.
Just recently Elon Musk and a group of artificial intelligence experts and industry executives are calling for a six-month pause in developing systems more powerful than OpenAI’s newly launched GPT-4, in an open letter citing potential risks to society.
AI Implications and Changes To Society
For the first time in all of history, we can create functions in programming by training them, rather than writing them by hand.
This is historic, it’s transformative and it is a fundamental breakthrough in technology.
Large Language Models (like Chat GPT) sizes have been increasing 10X every year for the last few years. In two years that’s 100X. Three years from now it will be 1000X and so on.
Extrapolate that out and your mind won’t even be able to grasp what AI will be able to do in 5-10 years from now.
It is estimated that AI will add 7% to global GDP at a rate of about 1.5% growth per year. They also estimate that roughly two-thirds of US occupations are exposed to some degree of automation by AI and around 18% of jobs could be completely eliminated by AI.
You can extrapolate this globally. That kind of global disruption is matched only by the industrial revolution.
AI could (most likely will do so) radically change or even replace professions such as:
– Paralegals, legal assistants and eventually even lawyers.
– Teachers
– Customer service agents
– Drivers
– Allopathic doctors
– Computer science
– Copywriters and content creation
– Translators and interpreters
– Food industry workers
– Coders and software engineers
– Advertisers
– Financial advisors and traders
– Graphic designers
– Accountants
Part of The Agenda
With such concerns you would think that those in charge of AI would listen to Elon Musk and other experts and actually put a pause on AI development.
However, it’s very unlikely for this pause to occur because those who wish to control the world don’t see this as a concern, instead they see it as a great opportunity to advance their agenda of consolidating more power, control and resources from those who make up the 99%.
What do you think happens when millions or billions of people are out of a job? Say hello to Universal Basic Income or UBI.
The government will once again step in to “help” you by offering you the chance to receive UBI and cover your basic needs.
This might seem like a good idea, right? No more soul sucking jobs and you get “free” money for your basic needs like shelter, food, education and healthcare.
However, the government will decide what type of food you’ll get (hope you’re ready for some fake meat, bugs and other artificial crap), what type of education (indoctrination) you’ll get and what kind of healthcare you’ll receive (very similar to the one they’ve promoted these last 3 years).
And you might think, “I’ll use my money to buy whatever I want.” Well, with the introduction of CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currencies) “your” money will be programable (CBDC’s first version are expected to launch in the US in July and in October for Europe).
This means that if your purchases don’t align with your allowed carbon footprint, used in a non approved business or you don’t comply with the government requirements (think 2021) then “your” account will get restricted or shut down.
What Can YOU Do About It?
With every challenge there are also opportunities. AI will automate and replace countless of jobs.
But there are a few things AI will NEVER be able to do or replace.
Anything that has to do with emotional intelligence and the human soul will be out of the realm of AI. Don’t get me wrong, they will certainly try to develop AI to understand (and manipulate) human psychology, emotions and even the spiritual nature of humans.
But they will fail, miserably. Especially when it comes to human emotions and the soul.
And this is how you can get ready.
Unless you are in the field of developing AI, you must become an well versed in the field of human emotions, the human mind (subconscious, conscious and superconscious) and the human soul.
Here are some professions that will never be replaced by AI:
1) Energy healer – anyone who can help heal trauma, unresolved emotions and energy blockages will be doing something AI will never be able to do.
2) Psychics – anyone who can read the akashic records and the soul memory of other individuals will have access to a multidimensional reality that AI won’t have access to.
3) Art – yes, AI can create art but there is an emotional and spiritual component to art that AI will never be able to create. Especially when it comes to tangible art, AI won’t come close to the beauty that human art possesses.
4) Music – AI will be able to create music but like art there is an emotional and spiritual component that AI will never be able to reproduce in music.
5) Yoga/Fitness – AI will try to replace yoga and fitness coaches but it will do a very poor job at it.
6) Holistic and functional doctors – similar to energy healers, doctors who are more in tune with ancient healing practices, nutrition and lifestyle upgrades will be in great demand as well.
Get into one or more of these industries and become a professional with a well established business.
AI will come full force and people will marvel at what it can do. However, the need for human to human connection will be at an all time high as a result of AI.
If you are in a position where you can offer a space for humans to express their true nature and connect at a heart and soul level, then you’ll thrive in the age of AI.
Other industries that are unlikely to be replaced by AI are:
– Event planners
– Sportsmen and sport coaches
– Priests and clergymen
– Psychiatrists and psychologists (will be under the influence of AI but not replaced)
The Search For Purpose
One of the most in demand professions will be that of the energy healer. The reason for this is that when billions of people lose their jobs, they will also lose a big part of their identity.
Ask anyone to tell you something about themselves and most people will tell you about their job and what they do for a living.
When billions of people find themselves lacking a profession they will inevitably wonder what their purpose in life is and how they can fill this void.
Enter the energy healer and spiritual guide. Those who are equipped with the tools and wisdom to navigate the true meaning of what is to be human and the challenges of being human, will be able to assist the massive wave of humans that will be looking for answers as to why they are here and what they can do about it.
Plus, with the horrendous healthcare that will be offered, many humans will desperately seek for alternative medicine (even more than now).
Become a World Class Healer
I became a professional energy healer back in 2007. Since then I’ve been able to work on my own schedule and create the lifestyle of my dreams:
– Spending as much time as I like with my family
– Helping tens of thousands of people doing what I love
– Traveling the world
– Living a healthy lifestyle
Even with all the healers that we have right now in the world there won’t be sufficient healers to meet the demand that will be coming in the next few years.
That being said, you really want to be well equipped to assist and truly help the people that will be coming your way. Humans are quite complex and there are so many different layers when it comes to healing, transcending issues and manifesting.
Throughout the years I have studied countless of healing modalities and techniques, tested them on myself and thousands of my clients.
I have seen what works and what doesn’t. Based on my client’s results and my own I have created a series of healing certifications that:
1) Address the different challenges humans have like beliefs, trauma, relationships, spiritual evolution, unresolved emotions, family entanglements, karma and more.
2) Are easy to implement. Some of the most powerful healing techniques I have used are simple. Healing modalities that are complex usually don’t work as well.
3) Provide permanent healing. Clearing blockages on ALL levels of awareness is a must for permanent healing.
4) Rapid transformation. Forget about going to therapy for years, you can change a destructive behavior, belief or unresolved emotions in a few sessions (sometimes in a matter of minutes).
You can sign up for the Rishi Level where each month you’ll master a powerful healing technique.
The sooner you start the better.
You’ll want to have an established coaching/healing practice before AI, UBI and CBDC’s come in full force.
By doing so you’ll be able to remain free from the control and restrictive measures that will come along with the implementation of these technologies. And you’ll be part of a group of people who will thrive in the midst of the AI revolution.
Much love and respect,
Gustavo Castañer
P.S.: AI has the potential to be used for the greater good of humanity. However a great number of people who are in charge of developing AI don’t seem to have that goal in mind.
Keep in mind that everything that is happening MUST happen. The agenda for humanity’s ascension is still in place and although it might be hard to comprehend, everything that is happening is in Divine Right Order and in a way supporting the awakening of humanity.
Do not give into fear. On the contrary, use these challenges as an inspiration to change, heal, evolve and ascend in consciousness. When you do so you’ll inspire others to follow.
Remember, the obstacle is THE WAY. We incarnated at this precise moment in time for a reason. The darkest hour is just before dawn
P.P.S.: although CBDC’s will try to take over there will also be other currencies and means of exchanging value/services. The key is to remain useful by solving problems or offering some kind of value/service that AI cannot replace. As long as you are in such a position you’ll be able to thrive.