Have you ever met someone and in an instant you could sense their energy was “heavy” or even “yucky”? You probably couldn’t tell exactly why you felt that way about that person but something within you felt uncomfortable or even repulsive in their presence.
And even though this person might appear to be fine at the moment or even happy, you sensed that something was really “off” in his/her energy field. Chances are you were sensing that person’s pain body. WHO DOESN’T HAVE A PAIN BODY?Everyone you have met in your life has a pain body, including yourself, because we all have gone through painful and traumatic experiences where we couldn’t fully process the pain we were experiencing in that particular moment. Whenever your nervous system can’t process emotional pain there is an energetic mechanism that stores the unresolved pain in order for you to be able to unwind it later. The problem is that instead of sensing and unwinding the pain at a later time, for the most part you tend to suppress it any time it tries to come to the surface of your conscious awareness. Most of us have been conditioned to avoid and suppress pain by our parents and society at large, simply because pain is uncomfortable. The problem is that whenever you suppress a past pain you are adding more layers of unresolved pain and in a way adding more etheric mass to the painful issue. PAIN IDENTIFICATIONThe pain body is a field made up of past unresolved pain accompanied by the thought-forms, belief systems and attitudes that resonate with that pain.
The sensations you are feeling are the emotional aspect of that pain. But then your mind adds a story of what that pain means “He betrayed me and broke my heart…love is painful…I’ll never open my heart to anyone again…I can’t trust men/women…“ This is the story that your Ego IDENTIFIES with and causes you to DRAMATIZE the pain even further. Dramatizing your pain and processing your pain are very different things. When you dramatize your pain you are only adding more layers of pain. However, when you process your pain there is no drama and you end up unwinding/releasing the layers of unresolved pain only to end up light-er than you were before. LAYERS OF THE PAIN BODYThe pain body has multiple layers or origins of pain. Here are the main layers of the pain body: 1) Past lives – any unresolved pain from previous lifetimes will be carried in your soul’s memory. In fact, the pain body is a huge factor when it comes to determining your next lifetime circumstances. 2) Family – children are extremely open to energies. Whatever unresolved pain their parents, siblings or other members of the family were carrying/expressing while you were a child could potentially add pain to your own pain body. Children tend to pick up on their parents pain, even when this pain isn’t expressed. Plus when you are conceived, any pain that is encoded in your parents DNA can be passed on to you. And any pain your mother experiences while you are in the womb will also leave an imprint in your own pain body. 3) Personal – every single painful event that you go through in life adds more painful energy to your own pain body. 4) Collective – the human race is one big family. Throughout history there have been events and cataclysms that have affected the collective human consciousness and left a painful residue. Just think of the years 2020-2023, the events that transpired and how much pain was experienced worldwide due to covid. The emotional pain body is the biggest energy blockage people have. And the problem is that most people are not healing their pain bodies, instead they continue to add MORE PAIN. Failure to heal your pain body will result in a continual lowering of your personal frequency and magnetizing more undesirable events and drama. If you desire for your life to improve for the better, it’s imperative that you learn how to heal your pain body. LEARN HOW TO UNWIND YOUR PAIN BODYWhen you learn how to process and unwind your pain body you will: 1) Learn how to become present through ANY emotion 2) Release deep stagnated emotional pain 3) Raise and upgrade your frequency 4) Transcend many karmic loops that were caused by the energy of the pain body 5) Attract a higher grid of people, places, times, things and events 6) Reconnect with your body’s intelligence 7) Become more magnetic to harmonic frequencies On June 14th, 21st and the 28th at 1pm EST I will be hosting the Transcend Your Pain Body Through Light and Presence Certification. In this training you’ll learn how to connect to your Higher Self and use a special Harmonic Resonance Code to transmute the pain body. You will also learn a very powerful breathing and awareness technique that will enhance the sensory awareness of your body in order to process unresolved emotions through your body’s intelligence. This technique is so powerful that if you frequently practice it, it will also enhance other higher perception abilities and allow you to perceive subtle energy fields within you and beyond. Click here to register for the certification training. Remember, if there is something in your life that you have been wanting to change but despite numerous attempts you continue to manifest the same experience, then it is extremely likely that your pain body is magnetizing you to this. By learning how to unwind your pain body you’ll be able to drastically change your holographic reality and finally magnetize the positive and uplifting experiences your Soul has longed for. Looking forward to having you on the training! Gustavo Castañer FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS1) How much is the investment? A: The investment for the 3 sessions and certification diploma is $397 2) What does the training include? A: Three live sessions, the Harmonic Resonance Code to clear the pain body, the technique to process emotions using your body, recording of all the sessions, the PDF for the presentation and diploma of certification. 3) Will I be able to facilitate this session for others? A: YES! The idea is that you can do this work for others and yourself. You can have a very successful healing practice by simply helping others transcend their pain body. You can easily recoup your investment and then manifest more abundance by doing this work alone. This is one of the sessions I use the most on my clients and on myself. You can literally build a healing practice by only offering sessions to work on the emotional pain body: + Family pain body sessions + Relationship pain body sessions + Health pain body sessions + Financial pain body sessions 4) Will you be giving this training again this year? A: No. 5) I cannot attend the live sessions, will there be a recording? A: Yes! Each session will be recorded and you’ll be able to watch/study at your own pace. |