In the Karma Removal Certification Training we are going to be focusing on clearing some of the most common karmic loops that exist in humanity.

Karmic loops are behaviors, emotions, thought-forms or dynamics that are repetitive in your life. When you are caught up in a karmic loop no matter what you try to do to change you always end up in the same place/state, but each time the karmic loop gets triggered, the emotional charge from that karmic loop becomes heavier and more troublesome.

There are certain karmic loops that seem to be universal. After being a healing facilitator for over 12 years and working with people from over 50 different countries I have noticed that there are certain dynamics and states of mind that transcend age, gender and culture.

Top Universal Karmic Loops


There are literally hundreds of relationship karmic loops someone can fall into. However, there are certain relationship karmic loops that are ubiquitous. These are the top relationship karmic loops:

  1. Attracting unavailable partners

This could be getting into a relationship with someone who is emotionally unavailable (can’t open their heart), someone who is already in a relationship or another common relationship scenario, falling in love with someone who lives on the other side of the world.

Another type of attracting an unavailable partner is the pattern of falling in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way about you.

In almost every case the other person is not fully committed and/or open to the relationship. This relationship karmic loop can become very draining and leads to feelings of heartbreak, rejection, betrayal and abandonment. Some people never get to transcend this karmic loop and end up never finding true love.

2. Betrayal, abandonment, rejection and heartbreak

Whenever a person suffers a traumatic experience involving one of the emotions mentioned above, they are very likely to unconsciously create a soul fragment that is heavily charged with one ore more of these unresolved emotions. Usually what happens during this traumatic event is that the person IDENTIFIES with a thought-form like:

  • “He abandoned me!”
  • “She broke my heart!”
  • “I’ll never trust women/men again!”
  • “I’ll never open my heart again!”
  • “I have been betrayed.”

These unresolved emotions and lingering thought-forms charge the soul fragment, creating a personality or false identity. This identity now becomes part of the person’s energetic field and the thoughts, attitudes and beliefs associated with it are constantly ruminating in their subconscious mind.

The frequency of these unresolved emotions and the karmic imprints associated with them then attract that person to people, places, times, things and events that RESONATE with their soul fragments.

The Universal Law of Resonance keeps the person stuck in a karmic loop where they keep attracting relationships that will at some point cause their past relationship baggage re-surface.

3. Abuse

Whether it is psychological, emotional or physical abuse, a person who has been abused will create karmic imprints related to victimization. The victim-victimizer karmic loop is a very strong karmic loop and this is why people who finally decide to leave abusive relationships will often find themselves in another abusive relationship sometime in the future.

4. Drama

Nothing kills passion and love like constant drama. Discordant emotions literally burn you up. This is why drama is so exhausting and often leads to physical dis-ease.

Whenever there is drama, conflict or struggle in a relationship you can be certain that there are karmic imprints related to the SOURCE of whatever discord both partners are experiencing.

5. Attracting energy vampires

Have you or someone you’ve known always seem to attract people who are draining, extremely needy or codependent? Depending on the person’s unique history and energetic baggage, they will have a set of karmic imprints that magnetize them to energy vampires.

Guilt is one of those karmic imprints that energy vampires can’t resist. The reason for this is that using guilt for manipulation is one of their favorite and most effective manipulation strategies.

6. Wanting to change others

This karmic loops can get you in a lot of trouble. First it causes incredible amounts of unnecessary drama and secondly it will drain your energy like nothing else. This might be one of the top reasons why relationships and marriages fail, a partner will see the potential in the other person and think “If s/he could only change this, s/he would be perfect.”. The problem is most people have a very hard time achieving lasting change.


Abundance is another common karmic loop that most of humanity struggles with. It can have different forms but no matter how it manifest it creates states of anxiety, stress and fear.

  1. Not making enough money or not having enough

This is one of the most prevalent karmic loops related to abundance: lack consciousness. A person with poverty consciousness will find themselves always feeling like there isn’t enough.

In my abundance seminars I often ask people to raise their hands if they think that manifesting 3 times the money they make right now would solve their problems. Almost everyone raises their hand. Then I ask the audience how many are making 3 times or more money than what they used to make 5 or 10 years ago.

Many people also raise their hand. Finally I ask them if their worries, fears about money or feelings of lack have changed. By now only a few hands are raised, sometimes not even one person raises their hand.

When you have poverty consciousness and you fail to clear the karmic imprints related to it, no matter how much money you make you will always feel like there is not enough.

2. Losing money

Here the karmic loop plays in such a way that no matter how much money or abundance a person manifests they always find a way to end up losing it. Karmic imprints of unworthiness and undeservedness are usually the culprits when it comes to the karmic loop of losing money.

3. Sabotaging success

Have you noticed that there are some people who are constantly trying to change and manifest abundance, but no matter what they do, they end up sabotaging their success? They seem to be caught up in a failure karmic loop and their business can never truly thrive.

Once again unworthiness, undeservedness and sometimes guilt will be the root cause why many people sabotage themselves and never get to truly enjoy success.


Health is one of those karmic loops that it’s very easy to spot in our society. Nine out of ten people are dealing with some kind of health issue nowadays. Cancer is rampant and people still believe that some dis-eases like this one have no cure. Yet many people who have cancer have karmic imprints related to anger, resentment and/or bitterness.

When you clear the karma related to a dis-ease sometimes you can have a spontaneous healing. However, more often than not what will happen is that your frequency will change so much that your Higher Self and the universe will guide you to the exact information, people, places, behaviors and events that hold the answers to your healing.

If you are constantly getting sick, have been dealing with a sickness for many years or you find your focus/attention being consumed by your health, then you are most likely caught up in a health karmic loop.


Another type of karmic loop that is very prevalent in our society has to do with states of mind. Some people are caught up in never ending cycles of depression, anger, hatred, worrying or simply being negative.

If you have difficulty feeling gratitude, joy, peace or connected then you have karmic loops that are keeping you in a negative mind set.

Think about it, when was the last time you felt absolutely euphoric? When was the last time that your entire consciousness was captivated by the infinite wonders of this world? Or when was the last time you had tears of gratitude as you realized the avalanche of blessings that are flowing your way?

Imagine if you could constantly and spontaneously experience these states of consciousness instead of once in a while.

When you clear enough of your karmic slate you begin to accrete copious amounts of life force energies from your Higher Self and the Uni-verse. You can’t help but to feel light-er, expanded and more connected to all that IS, then these higher vibrational states become your predominant state of mind.

Have you had a Soul upgrade?

When you effectively clear, transmute and transcend your karma you will notice that over time you will look back 1, 5 or 10 years from now and it will be like looking at a totally different person.

For example, 15 years ago I used to:

  • Be very stingy and had a lot of poverty consciousness. Fear of scarcity and not having enough used to be an everyday experience for me.
  • Be filled with self-doubt and low self-confidence
  • Be dubious about having children because of my scarcity and my beliefs about this world.
  • Live in constant fear of the future and was very uncomfortable with uncertainty.
  • Have relationships that were a mess, full of drama and co-dependency.
  • Feel lost and didn’t know what my Soul’s Purpose was.

After diligently working on clearing my karmic slate is like I live a completely different life. At times I stop myself and feel extremely grateful that I get to live the life my younger self would dream of.

Today I AM:

  • Living in abundance and sharing my abundance.
  • Extremely confident in designing my future while at the same time being comfortable with the unknown.
  • In a high frequency relationship with a conscious person (been together for 9 years), have a magical daughter and know with absolute certainty that I will spend the rest of my life in joy with my beloved.
    • Even when Jenn and I look back at our relationship together, is like seeing a different couple. We have healed and grown so much that even after 9 years we feel more connected and in love than ever.
  • A super happy and active father. The bond I have with my daughter is something that transcends words.
  • Actively fulfilling my Soul’s Mission and seeing it constantly evolve.

Most importantly I find myself having fun in what I used to think was a f**ked up world. People who get caught up in karmic loops often stay in their 1.0 or 1.5 version of themselves, they have never really experience TRUE CHANGE.

But when you progressively embody your Higher Self, by clearing the blockages that don’t resonate with those states of consciousness, deep and lasting change becomes a constant in your life. You truly get to bring a transcendence into your body and let your Higher Self flow through you.

This is the TRUE meaning of ascension, bringing the frequencies of the higher realms and experiencing them in the 3D.

Clear Your Karmic Loops, Upgrade Your Soul and Experience Lasting Change

In the Karma Removal Training Certification I am going to be facilitating a massive clearing for all the participants on the karmic loops I have discussed in this newsletter. Plus I am going to be asking participants to share their own challenges, patterns and dynamics so that we can clear the karmic imprints related to them.

And because this is a practitioner certification, when you register you will learn how to perform this life changing clearings on yourself and others.

Click here to register for this training only.

Click here to register for the entire 9 Month Self Realized Healer Certification which includes the Karma Removal Certification.

There are no pre-requisites for this training, anyone can join. When you sign up I will send you the recording from our first webinar so you can study the material and be ready to clear your karmic loops.

Join me and a group of conscious individuals as we unite our intents to clear LIFETIMES worth of karma. After this training you will be equipped with a set of tools that will allow you to energetically clear the SOURCE of whatever discordant dynamic or pattern is affecting your life.

Looking forward to having you on the training!

Gustavo Castañer


1) Will I be able to facilitate this work for others?

A: Yes, this is a certification training. My intent is to empower you to do this work for yourself and others. You will learn how to effectively identify and clear karmic imprints and karmic loops for yourself and your clients.

2) How much is the investment?

A: The investment for this training is only $497 or $369 if you sign up for the Self Realized Healer 9 month Certification.

Depending on how much you charge for your sessions, you can easily recoup your investment by facilitating 2-6 karmic sessions or even 1 webinar/workshop.

3) How long will the training be?

A: This is a 3 part training. The first live session took place on March 11th, so if you sign up now I would send you the recording so you can catch up.

This coming Thursday March 18th we will be doing the 2nd live training session. The third one will be on Thursday March 25th.

Each training session will be 90 minutes or more.

4) What will I learn in this training?

A: You will learn the minute details of how energy blockages are created, the different types of karmic imprints and where to find them in the energetic body. You will also learn how to sense energy, utilize energy directing techniques and of course clear karmic imprints.

5) What is included in the training?

A: Three live training sessions and recordings. A PDF with all the information so you can study the material. The Harmonic Resonance Code for clearing karmic imprints and 1 bonus code to clear family karma (more on this in my next newsletter).

6) I won’t be able to attend all 3 sessions, can I still do this training?

A: Yes, you will receive the recording for each training session. You can study and practice what was covered before attending the next session. Even if you can’t attend any live session you can still sign up for the training, however if you can do whatever is possible to attend live.

9) How do I register for the live training?

Please click here to register for this training only.

Click here to register for the full 9 Month Self Realized Healer Certification

10) Where can I learn more about the Self Realized Healer Certification?

To learn more about please visit